
Being Erica Season 2 Episode 5

Yes We Tin can
Flavor 2, Episode 5


Air date October xx, 2009
Viewers Canada - , The Netherlands -
Opening "Being Erica theme" past Lily Frost
Episode Guide
Cultural Revolution
Shhh..Don't Tell

Erica is still trying to find out more about Kai, either straight from him or from Dr. Tom. Kai doesn't want to talk nearly therapy, just is glad to talk to Erica well-nigh other things, which she may need. She can't seem to talk to all-time friend Judith anymore as Judith is always caught up with baby stuff. This dynamic betwixt herself and Judith brings up a previous issue betwixt them when they were in university. Erica signed them upwardly as Frosh leaders, something that Judith didn't really want to exercise. Merely Erica reneged on that delivery, leaving Judith to exercise information technology on her own. Ever since then, Erica has felt that Judith is the adult and Erica the child in their relationship. When Dr. Tom sends her back, he also sends i other thing with her: Judith's son, Max. Erica doesn't know how she tin be there for Judith during Frosh Week when she has Max to babysit. But perhaps helping Judith during Frosh Calendar week is not her ultimate goal. Both Erica and Judith learn that friendship is a two-way street. Meanwhile, Sam tells Barb that she and Josh are moving to London for Josh's work. Barb, who thinks Sam is doing this for the wrong reasons, needs to make up one's mind what to do with this information.

Full Plot [ ]

Erica and Ethan are bringing boxes of his holding into her apartment as he moves in. They progressively move more than and more stuff in until Ethan brings the final thing - a bean bag chair.

He puts it down in the living room, and Erica tells him it can't get there. Ethan asks her why it can't and every bit she tries to explain they stop upward making out. She narrates:

"Why can't I? It's a question that never goes away. Our whole lives are spent chafing against the rules, pushing back the boundaries, trying to find the loophole."

That evening, Erica and Ethan are at Goblins with Judith and Anthony. Erica explains why the edible bean handbag can't be in the living room describing it equally also old and big and Ethan chips in that she doesn't think it matches the couch.

Judith tells her that, as soon as you cohabitate, "mine becomes ours" and Kai then walks by the table and encourages Erica to learn to love the bean bag. She sarcastically thanks him for his input.

At that moment, the Goblins manager, Dave, goes to the mic on stage and announces that Kai volition be performing a song for them. Kai is surprised at this, and is clearly reluctant to perform. Yet, he somewhen relents as the audience brainstorm to handclapping.

Judith asks Erica if she knew Kai could sing, and she confirms that she didn't. Kai gets on stage, with a guitar, and performs a song,ConflictingLike Yous, with Ethan noticing how mesmerised Erica appears watching Kai. At the end she gets up and enthusiastically applauds Kai.

Afterwards, Erica spots Kai heading outside for some air and she goes to to follow him, proverb she'll be right back after telling him how amazing he was.

She finds Kai outside and tells him how well he sung. He thanks her, and she asks him why he didn't tell her he was a musician. Erica asks him if he's in a band, wondering whether he's a barista by twenty-four hour period and a rock star by nighttime. He merely smiles without replying.

Taking the hint, Erica remarks that talking virtually singing, similar speaking nearly Kai'due south therapy, is a non-starter and enquires what they can talk nearly, suggesting latte art. Kai asks her what she wants to know.

Meanwhile, back within, Anthony is explaining to Ethan about their feeding of Max - which Judith can tell Ethan is not that interested in. She asks him whether he'd similar her to go and fetch Erica from outside, just he assures her information technology's OK.

Outside, Erica asks Kai why him telling her his doctor's name is such a big bargain. He replies that information technology isn't, but he just doesn't desire to. She laughs and tells him he's and then annoying. Kai then looks at his lookout and tells her his suspension has already overrun.

Erica wonders why everything has to be a secret with him, just Kai simply goes back inside without answering. She follows him, returning to the tabular array and asks what she's missed, with Ethan replying "the entire evening."

She's surprised by this remark and, sensing the mood, Judith and Anthony go to pay the bill leaving Erica and Ethan alone. Erica suggests he is mad, and Ethan tells her she was gone for 20 minutes.

Erica explains she was just talking to a friend, who Ethan refers to equally "the 22-year-old barista." She asks him if he's mad because she went AWOL or because she was talking to Kai. He doesn't answer, and she wonders if Ethan wants her to stop being Kai's friend.

He replies that information technology would exist a good start and gets up to go, leaving Erica astounded. She eventually follows him out of Goblins, turning around to watch Kai working before she leaves.

"Over and over we resist any endeavor to box united states in, to curtail our freedom. We ask the question 'Why can't I?' and, when the answer comes back, we never like what nosotros hear."

The adjacent forenoon, Erica wakes up and gets out of bed. On her style out of the bedroom though, she almost trips over Ethan's bean bag lying on the floor. She kicks it in anger and goes into the bathroom, informing a showering Ethan that she almost broke her neck when the bean pocketbook chair "attacked" her.

She asks him why it'due south in the middle of the sleeping accommodation, and he sarcastically tells her it's considering information technology'southward not in the living room. He pokes his head out of the shower defunction and Erica easily him a towel. Ethan then notices how tired she looks.

Erica explains that it was hard to sleep considering he was mad at her. Ethan gets out of the shower and says he doesn't sympathize her friendship with Kai and begins to explain about people in relationships.

She interrupts him, suggesting that he thinks that they can't be trusted with someone from the opposite sex activity. Ethan tells her that getting her morning java from him and talking to him while waiting in line is cool, but that he is opposed to anything else.

Erica responds past maxim she's non Claire, to which Ethan remarks that Claire did it all the time to him. She relents, and Ethan thank you her before going.

Afterward that morning, Erica and Judith - pushing Max in a stroller - are walking by a fountain in the city centre with Erica explaining that Ethan didn't exactly say she couldn't be friends with Kai. Judith takes it that that is what he meant though.

Exasperated, Erica asks why, simply her attending is then fatigued to Judith smiling at another mom sitting with a baby near the fountain. She asks Judith if the mom is part of her group, but Judith explains that she's just seen her around and that her babe is around Max's historic period.

Erica suggests she goes and introduces herself merely Judith says she doesn't even know her proper name and stops an enthusiastic Erica from doing and then as it would exist "weird." She suggests Judith sounds like Ethan, simply Judith tells her that he is probably feeling threatened and is a piffling jealous.

She asks Judith why though, stressing she hasn't washed anything wrong. Jude assures her she knows, only comments that being good friends with Kai is something Erica just tin't do. Erica questions this though, describing how she and Ethan were friends for years whilst he was married to Claire.

Judith says that that is the point, reminding her of who Ethan is with now. Erica is lost for words, and Judith asks if they're going to Goblins for coffee. Erica replies that she feels like Starbucks, and Judith laughs at this.

Afterward, at River Rock, Erica is addressing Julianne and Friedkin almost the sexual practice book, explaining nearly a fascinating article from an author she has read. Friedkin seems unimpressed with this and Julianne adds that she'due south bored. She asks Erica well-nigh ideas for the book's championship.

Erica lists her suggestions, but they besides fail to impress. Julianne tells Erica that there is a disconnect betwixt what she pitched to them, what they want, and what she is now presenting. Friedkin adds that it's "shite."

He tells Erica she came to them with a fresh concept and Julianne reminds her that they want the book to be transgressive and push boundaries. Friedkin suggests Erica stops being a prude and makes the championship more than raw, basic, and fauna, before proceeding to make a series of "pow" noises.

Erica replies that she could get Meeri to set her up on an interview with a dominatrix, and Julianne exclaims "delicious." Erica is pleased to hear this, but Julianne explains she means the sex club Succulent where "anything goes."

She seems perturbed by this, only Friedkin instructs her to go that evening, broaden her listen, and find someone who lives and breathes sex. Erica unconvincingly tells them she'due south on it and leaves.

That evening, Erica and Ethan are round at Barbara's for dinner. Sam and Josh are as well there. Erica apologises for non beingness able to take Sam and Josh to the airport and Sam replies that she understands that work is piece of work.

Barbara comments that going to a sex guild doesn't audio like work to her and Josh adds that Ethan volition demand to keep an eye on Erica, joking that the concluding thing he will want is for her to nibble on some forbidden fruit and suggesting he keeps her on a leash.

Sam is unimpressed past this and Erica doesn't react, and instead asks Sam what part of London they are looking for a house in. She replies that information technology's a huge city with lots of cute parts but Josh interrupts her declaring they will be moving to the Due west Stop "period."

Erica is surprised at this, and reminds him that Sam is the one who volition be spending most of her time at home. Sam insists the West End is great as at that place is theatre and stuff to do when Erica visits.

Everyone having finished eating, Erica so clears the plates, although she doesn't accept Josh'southward. He follows her into the kitchen conveying his plate, and jokes that all she needs to be wearing now is a French maid'south outfit. Erica is typically unamused.

He says that London volition be expert for Sam as it volition take her out of her comfort zone, remarking that she practically lives at Barbara'southward. Erica suggests this is because they are her family unit and Josh replies that he is her husband.

Erica doesn't answer to this, although Josh can tell she wants to and tries to catalyst her to "enlighten him" on his own marriage and "put her nose where information technology doesn't belong again." Annoyed, Erica is just about to speak when Ethan comes in conveying the chicken from dinner and explaining her mom wants it wrapped up.

Josh goes back to the tabular array for dessert. Ethan tin tell Erica is frustrated over something and she describes how Josh is pushing her buttons trying to get her to react and say something she'll regret.

Ethan replies that information technology was skillful that she didn't and minded her own business organization. He suggests that they get out Barbara's, go home, and get set up for their "big, weird" dark out, and they hug.

That nighttime, Erica and Ethan are in Delicious, trying to take in the environment of people, some dressed up in costumes, performing all kinds of sexual acts to one another.

Ethan asks what i particular couple are doing and Erica suggests he doesn't want to know. They continue exploring the club, shocked and surprised equally they wander past couples having sex activity.

Later, they sit down down to talk to a husband and wife who explain that, despite existence married for x years, they sleep with other people. Erica asks if it causes problems, but the husband explains that their marriage is just more open than others, with the married woman adding both sexually and emotionally.

He says that they don't hide anything from i another, are completely honest, and wonders what in that location is nothing to exist jealous of. Ethan suggests the fact that they're having sex with other people.

They express joy, replying that sex is completely natural but that all the rules surrounding it aren't. Erica asks if they don't recall they're there for a reason, only the married woman challenges Erica to give her a good reason which doesn't involve religion or morals.

She tin't, just insists that she couldn't do what they practice, and the husband replies that there is only ane way for her to know for certain. The couple begin making out and the wife informs Erica and Ethan that they can bring together in at any time. Ethan takes this every bit his cue to leave though.

Erica hurriedly follows Ethan, who admits to being freaked out past the idea of a foursome, adding that he has never even had a threesome. Erica jokes that they are overrated and he admits he finds it all very weird.

She enquires whether it doesn't plow him on though, and moves behind him, running her easily down his back and downward to his donkey. Ethan asks her what she's doing and Erica replies that she'south beingness bad and wonders whether he has ever wanted to but exist bad with her.

Erica moves back around to confront him and they brainstorm making out. However, Ethan is very conscious that some people take stopped to sentry them and he breaks the kiss, informing Erica that they take an audience.

She fails to see the big deal, reminding him that they are in a sexual practice gild and that they have seen much worse. Erica begins to kiss him again, only he stops her. She insists it'southward not a big bargain and tells Ethan to only kiss her.

He replies that it is a large deal to him and asks if they can go. Surprised, Erica agrees and heads to fetch their jackets. However, when she goes to the glaze rack and pulls the coats back she reveals Dr. Tom's office.

She enters, pulling the coats back together backside her. However, she is stunned to see Dr. Tom, sitting behind his desk, is completely naked. She turns effectually in horror and, preparing to stand up, he wonders if she needs a hand.

Erica insists she doesn't and advises Dr. Tom to stay where he is. He asks her what the matter is and she points out that he is naked. Dr. Tom wonders why this bothers her then much and Erica replies that the night has been of the well-nigh weirdest of her life.

He asks her to take a seat and to bear her soul to him. Erica laughs nervously at this suggestion, just she slowly walks backwards earlier sitting down on her chair - avoiding making eye contact with him.

Erica explains how she had never seen people having sexual activity live before and describes how people had everything - "their kinks and $.25 and pieces" - hanging out. Dr. Tom responds, saying that she didn't run away screaming from all the conventions and taboos beingness broken though.

She admits that, at start, it was shocking, but suggests that it didn't seem as much after a while. Erica and then points to the couple who cheat on one another all the fourth dimension proverb they seem happier than her parents ever did and wonders if they have it correct.

"Nobody realises that some people expend a tremendous free energy merely to exist normal," he quotes to her, and Erica responds past discussing Ethan and how information technology was too much for him to have a couple of people watching them osculation.

Dr. Tom suggests that Ethan prefers being affectionate in individual but Erica replies that he is hung up on the rules, drawing a comparison to how he says she tin can't exist friends with Kai. Dr. Tom chuckles at this comment.

She bemoans why she should accept to turn her back on the other patient she knows just considering he is a guy, calling it "insane." Dr. Tom and so leans frontwards and suggests to Erica that they should practise a piddling experiment.

Erica stops him, checking that it doesn't involve him standing upward. He confirms it doesn't, just tells her that their session will not be about a regret. She is dislocated past this, just he explains that, from the moment she woke upwards to when she walked through his door, he will requite her a 'practise over' solar day.

Dr. Tom says that aught volition stick and everything new volition be erased. Intrigued, Erica checks that everything can be undone and he confirms that it can and volition be, but for her ain memories. He instructs Erica to go back and do any she wants, adding rules be damned.

He suggests she tries jumping out of a plane or gambling away her life savings and Erica chips in with "walking around naked." Pleased she has the idea, he comments that she has spent the day being bound by the rules and she should at present go back and try living without whatever.

Erica smiles and all of a sudden finds herself back in bed, waking upwards that morning. She gets out of bed and, once more, almost trips over Ethan'south bean bag chair. She is just most to walk by it when she remembers she is on a 'practise over' day.

She proceeds to set on the bean bag, ripping information technology open and making a mess as the insides scatter all over the room and herself. Erica and then walks into the bathroom, where Ethan is showering, and flushes the toilet making him exclaim in shock.

Erica explains that they need to talk well-nigh the previous dark and that it can't wait. She hands him a towel and says that she knows he doesn't want her to be friends with Kai. Ethan replies that he never said that.

She continues though, telling him that she knows it comes from the fact Claire cheated on him and hurt him, but reminds him that she is not Claire. Ethan steps out of the shower, with the towel tied around his waist, and admits that he knows she isn't.

He tries to explain how he feels well-nigh her and Kai'southward friendship, but Erica interrupts him, proverb she understands he thinks it'south weird and unconventional and asks Ethan why he feels similar that. Ethan admits he doesn't know and Erica insists that her friendship with Kai volition never come between them.

Ethan seems reassured by this and she then runs her hands over his body, telling him it'south too bad he's all clean. He asks why and she removes his towel, saying that one time she'southward done with him he'll have to take a shower all over again. She removes her robe and they begin making out.

Walking through the urban center with Judith once more, Erica is spinning around and acting a petty crazy. Judith asks what's gotten into her as Erica jumps onto the edge of the fountain and begins dancing.

Judith apologises to some of the other people around for her friend'southward behaviour. She asks Erica to cease, but Erica refuses to and instead tells Judith to join her. Judith then walks past the mom and her baby from earlier, apologising for Erica'due south conduct.

Erica congratulates her on making "offset contact" with the mom and encourages Judith to talk to her more. Judith is reluctant, but Erica takes it upon herself and goes over and introduces them to the mom, Claudia, who is with her baby son, Hassan.

Judith and Claudia discover both of their sons are around the same age and, with the pair chatting, Erica tells them she has to go and leaves them talking as she takes off - however spinning around and twirling.

She heads to Goblins, where an unhappy client is raging at Kai for the coffee he has been served. Kai tries to calm him downward, explaining he will make him another. Erica then enters and says hello, although Kai tells her he can't talk at the moment.

Erica asks him if he's e'er seen the motion pictureGroundhog Solar day, reminding him that Neb Murray's characters gets to relive the same day over and announces, loudly, that her therapist is doing the same thing for her.

Kai is shocked at her behaviour, only she assures him that nobody is going to remember. He is intrigued and checks that she really gets to re-practise the mean solar day, and Erica confirms that is just what she is doing - with nothing she does for the rest of the day sticking.

The angry customer calls out to Kai, who tells him he'll be with him in a second, as he continues talking to Erica. He wonders, if everything Erica does is erased, what will happen if he is by her side.

She confirms everything he does will also exist undone and informs him that is why she has come to see him - every bit he is the simply one who can truly appreciate it.

The angry customer and so rages at Kai that, if he receives a parking ticket, he will have the money out of the tip jar to pay for it. Erica advises the guy to tone it down, bravado him a kiss.

Kai checks that Erica's physician isn't pulling her leg and, satisfied, proceeds to turn dorsum to the rude customer and stick his finger in his coffee before handing it to him. He and so turns dorsum effectually to Erica, who calling him a "big insubordinate" asks him if he is prepare.

He confirms he is, suggesting he is pretty much fired anyhow after what he's just done. He jumps over the counter, swiping some car keys as he does and Erica besides steals something to eat.

They leave Goblins together and Erica asks what trouble they should become into. Kai uses the keys to open a flash car parked exterior and she asks him what he'due south doing. He explains that his "favourite customer" left his machine keys on the counter and says they should call it a tip.

Erica suggests they telephone call it Grand Theft Auto and tells Kai to forget about stealing the car. He replies that the first rule of 'do over' 24-hour interval is there are no rules and Kai gets into the car.

With no choice but to follow him, Erica gets in too, warning Kai that she'll never forgive him if she spends the rest of the twenty-four hour period behind bars. He jokes that he will never be able to recall though.

They speed out of the urban center, enjoying the open route. Kai begins to explain about the Mercedes Benz machine they're in, commenting that they don't make cars like it anymore. Erica finds this confusing, seeing as the car looks brand new.

He doesn't respond, only she suggests that he is enjoying the perks of therapy, pointing to the fact that it's not all bad. Kai insists he never said it was and, encouraged, Erica asks him once again what his doctor's proper noun is.

Kai hesistates, but she reminds him that he isn't going to retrieve. He somewhen tells her information technology's Dr. Fred. Erica's prison cell phone then rings and she is unhappy to see it's Julianne calling.

She comments that she is late for piece of work but the last matter she needs is to have her boss bowwow her out. Erica throws the phone onto the back seat, and Kai suggests that she goes and does the bitching instead - which Erica likes the sound of.

At River Stone, Erica emerges from the elevator, swaggering into the office. In the boardroom, Julianne, sitting with Friedkin, is trying to control her anger and etch herself, maxim that a "skillful boss is a calm boss."

Erica enthusiastically enters the room and sits downwards. Julianne questions since when coming to piece of work ii hours belatedly has been OK, and she asks Erica who the hell she thinks she is and where she has been. Erica explains that she has been with Kai her "22-year-old friend" who Meeri would depict as "righteous."

Julianne wonders what is going on with Erica and Friedkin begins to explain a theory from affiliate five ofThe Mystery Of Tomorrow. Erica interrupts him though, suggesting that his self love knows no premises considering he'south quoting from a volume not fifty-fifty published yet.

This shocks Julianne, simply Erica continues her speech, impersonating Julianne and using air quotes when proverb she is going to "intermission it downward" for her. She labels Friedkin a domestic dog who turns Julianne into a giggling idiot. Erica says it is embarrassing and tells her she can do ameliorate.

She then turns to Friedkin, imitating the noises he makes, and advises he gets over himself equallyThe Secret Of Now "sucked."

Erica then spots a male colleague outside in the office and runs off to follow him into the elevator. She admits that they've never actually met but tells him she has spent the last year admiring his ass. He tells her he's married and she says she is with someone also, but this doesn't end her grabbing his ass.

He gets out of the elevator, disturbed, and a pleased Erica waves adieu to anybody, saying she'll encounter them tomorrow every bit the elevator doors shut and she leaves.

Back in the city, Erica and Kai are walking across the Humber Bridge with Kai wearing just a cowboy chapeau and his underwear. Erica tells him he looks "smokin' hot" but he suggests he looks similar the gayest cowboy sinceBrokeback Mountain. She reminds him that it was his thought to play Truth or Cartel.

Kai begins to put his dress dorsum on and Erica asks him whether he will choose a truth or a dare. He replies truth, which pleases Erica, and she asks Kai why he won't talk to her virtually his therapy. He says that he did something in his past that he wants to forget.

Erica insists that he hasn't actually answered her question and that, in her experience, if the regret is on the list then he has to relive information technology. She asks Kai what he is trying to forget but he responds by saying she doesn't become two questions.

She says that she isn't playing the game anymore, but asking him as a friend. Kai confesses that someone died because of him. This shocks Erica, but she tells him that they are called regrets for a reason and she isn't going to estimate him.

Kai replies that she owes him now and asks her whether she volition take a truth or cartel. Erica opts for a dare and he challenges her to face a real fear and practise something she's ever wanted to just couldn't. Erica thinks for a while earlier asking how quickly they can become upwardly to North York in the Mercedes.

At Barbara's house, dinner is taking place with Erica missing from the tabular array. They hear someone at the door and Ethan, Barbara, and Sam get upwardly from the table to detect Erica coming in. Barbara asks where she'south been and why she didn't telephone call, and Ethan adds that Meeri said she had left work hours ago.

Erica spots Josh, who didn't become to the door, making his way into the kitchen and tells her family to sit down while she grabs something to eat earlier explaining everything to them. Josh goes to the refrigerator to get a beer which Erica then snatches from him and opens.

Josh says it was nice piece of work of her to get Ethan and Barbara freaked out, adding that Sam was likewise, although she didn't prove it. Erica questions how he would know if Sam was upset or not and he replies that he knows her - reminding her that they are married.

He suggests Erica must take blocked it out seeing as her maid of honour spoken communication was to tell Sam "not to ally that asshole Josh equally he doesn't honey you." She states that she knows he doesn't, calculation that her mom is starting to figure it out and that Sam knows it deep downwards too.

Josh rejects this, proverb she doesn't know annihilation but Erica tells him she doesn't desire to point fingers or attack him but does have something she needs to say. Josh is unenthusiastic to hear this, and Erica says that dragging Sam off to England won't set their cleaved relationship.

He replies that Sam wants to go and he's not dragging her but Erica asks him if he'due south sure and wonders if he's even checked with Sam. Erica suggests that she is simply going for him only Josh, having heard plenty, tries to leave - telling her its none of her business.

Erica blocks his path though - saying that it is her business as Sam is her sister. She tells Josh she's known him since he was 14 and, now 30, he's still not happy, and she wants her sis to exist happy. Erica pleads with him to get and do the correct affair for once in his life.

Josh walks by her, silently, and Erica breathes out deeply, contemplating what she has just washed and wondering whether she has got through to him.

Erica wanders dorsum into the dining room, where Barbara tells her something is wrong as Sam and Josh accept locked themselves in her sleeping room. Ethan asks what she said to Josh and Erica replies that she told the truth - what they should take washed a long time agone.

At that place's and so a ring at the door and Erica goes to answer it. She opens the door to find Dr. Tom, masquerading equally a Greenpeace volunteer, on the other side. She exclaims to him that "it is the end of the globe" as they know it.

He wonders if she's aware that past the cease of the century the planet would have warmed by 6 degrees. Erica replies that she really meant that Sam and Josh are finally having "the talk" about their human relationship - crossing her fingers and albeit to him that she has meddled.

"To succeed in life you demand ii things: ignorance and confidence," he tells her, and Erica responds by proverb she is tired of holding herself back considering of the rules. Dr. Tom says this is great and she explains that, in hereafter, she is going to exercise and say exactly what she wants.

Dr. Tom takes this to mean that she will merely answer to herself in life, and that it is every man for himself. Erica says this isn't exactly what she means.

He continues though, flippantly request her whether she thinks an SUV commuter cares virtually how much Carbon Dioxide they pump into the atmosphere and pointing to how they expect happy.

Dr. Tom sarcastically suggests that she should go for whatever she wants, when she wants, and that everything else will sort itself out. He then leaves, telling her to relish, and Erica is left pondering this see.

She heads back to the table as Josh and Sam emerge from her sleeping accommodation. Josh says he'll put their numberless in the car and Barbara asks Sam if she'due south OK. Sam turns to Erica, repeating her sis's words that she thinks she is making a mistake and that she is just following Josh and is likewise weak to stand for what she wants.

Erica tries to explain she's just worried, but Sam rages at her, telling Erica she is the concluding person to tell anyone how to alive. She wonders what makes her life and then perfect that Erica can constantly judge her.

She sarcastically praises her for finally getting a real task and relationship and, at 32, is at present and then wise she can finally pay her rent without anyone'south help. Sam accuses Erica of beingness so arrogant and thinking that she tin say anything she wants to her or Josh and constantly rip autonomously her decisions.

Sam says she wants to move to London and so she tin can get herself and her hubby far away from Erica. She then storms out, leaving a distraught Erica who tries to appeal to Josh. He tells her that she doesn't care, and never has cared, most him though and he follows Sam.

After, Erica and Ethan are making their way to his car as he asks her if she fifty-fifty thought almost what she would do to Sam. Erica replies that she doesn't demand a lecture but he accuses her of just plowing ahead without caring virtually the consequences.

Erica insists that she had been trying to aid Sam, only Ethan suggests that her sister conspicuously doesn't want or need her help.

At this indicate, Kai gets out of the parked Mercedes and asks if everything is OK. Ethan asks what Kai is doing there and Erica puts her hands to her head, describing things as a "nightmare." Ethan then realises that she has spent the day with Kai instead of going to work.

Kai tries to calm Ethan down, just Erica tells him to stay out of it. She assures Ethan that things are not what they look similar and he guesses she is going to say that her and Kai are just friends.

Erica reiterates this, before hesistating, and after Ethan demands to know what they are, she tells him they are time travellers. Ethan is astounded by this remark and Erica admits that, although information technology sounds crazy, information technology's the truth.

She tries to recount to him the story from the previous yr of when she had to go to hospital after her allergic reaction and explains how she met a therapist. Erica accepts that it sounds insane.

Ethan tells her he's the concluding guy to get in the fashion of Kai and Erica'due south time travelling friendship though and, as Erica tries to protest she's telling the truth, he gets in his car and drives off leaving her devastated.

Later on that evening, Erica and Kai pull upwardly back in the city in the Mercedes. She sighs deeply, and he tries to cheer her upwards, reminding her that, in a couple of hours, everything volition take been erased and that what has happened wasn't technically real.

Erica replies that it felt pretty existent and laments the fact that she will never be able to tell Ethan about her therapy. She turns to Kai, maxim he is the simply person she can talk to it about.

They then hear a police automobile, which has pulled upward nearby, calling out to them to step out of the car. Erica and Kai do then simply, equally the cop begins to arroyo them, they decide to run away and manage to lose the cop in a example by darting down an aisle and hiding.

Erica beings to laugh, hysterically, unable to believe how weird the past 24 hours of her life take been. She asks who she is and Kai comments that none of it matters every bit it's a 'do over' twenty-four hour period and they get to do whatever they want.

She laughs, but suddenly Kai leans forward and kisses her. Erica pulls away after a few seconds, disgusted with herself. He assures her that he kissed her and she asks him why. Kai admits that he wanted to meet what it would be like and Erica walks off, upset.

Erica walks back home, contemplating the events of the day, and returns to her apartment to find Ethan sitting on the couch, waiting for her. She heads towards the bedroom simply he calls out to her.

She says she just wants to go to bed, but Ethan, aroused, insists that she doesn't get to only walk away and asks her if she knows what she has put him and everyone else through. Sitting down on the bed, Erica, struggling to hold back the tears, apologises.

He kneels downwards in front end of her and begs Erica to just talk to him. She says she can't but Ethan asks her to be honest and tell him the truth about what she has done during the twenty-four hours. Upset, Erica assures him that she has washed beingness insensitive and selfish and awful.

Ethan tells her it's OK, simply she replies that information technology's not. She admits that she has hurt him and made him worry and says that she loves him so much. They hug, but when Ethan goes to buss her Erica instincitvely pulls her caput away.

Shocked, he asks her again what she has done and Erica can only cry more. Ethan stands up and leaves and a distraught Erica tries to follow him. However, she suddenly finds herself back at the coat rack in Delicious.

She picks up their jackets and turns around to find Ethan waiting for her. He notices she seems flustered and asks if she's OK. Erica tells him to merely take her dwelling house and they go out.

They arrive back at the flat, with Ethan commenting that the night had been interesting. Pointing to the remainder of his stuff, he promises her that he will have it all put away by the next day. Erica tells him not to worry about it though.

She asks if they can talk nigh the weirdness from the morning but Ethan says information technology was all his fault and that he permit his issues with Claire turn him into a crazy man. Erica replies that he had a correct, but Ethan insists he didn't and that she was right - agreeing that Erica could never do what Claire did.

Erica looks away at this comment, but he puts his hands either side of her confront and tells her that she can exist friends with whoever she wants and that he trusts her. They kiss and he begins to pack away more of his stuff every bit Erica thinks.

The next morning, Erica arrives at River Rock and spots Julianne and Friedkin deep in conversation. She walks into the boardroom and Julianne greets her as "their lilliputian sex tourist," and Friedkin asks her how it felt to take a walk on the wild side.

Equally Erica stutters a reply, Julianne comments that she smells disappointment and desperation. Erica admits that she didn't observe whatever inspiration at Delicious and doesn't think she will with the direction they're taking the book.

Friedkin suggests that she has fallen into old habits and brands Erica a "sexual luddite" with hang ups and issues. Erica replies by saying that he can retrieve what he wants but argues there is a reason why 99.9 per cent of the population don't walk effectually in leather harnesses or accept group sex with multiple partners.

He repeats his assertion that they have hang ups and bug, but Erica argues that if they brand a book aimed specifically at the fringe then that is all they volition have buying it. Julianne asks her what her proposal is, and Erica suggests she wants the book to fall somewhere in the eye.

She agrees that it should make a nod to the more "out there" aspects of sexuality and fantasies but is determined that they shouldn't forget the core. Erica insists that, for the nearly function, existent people prefer to keep their fantasies safely stored abroad in their heads.

Friedkin comments that if he went to Succulent he'd come up back with plenty "juice" to fill half a book. Julianne dismisses this remark, reminding him that Erica is editing the book. She instructs her to follow her management and find the right author, but warns Erica that there volition be a price to pay if she brings in a piece of garbage.

Afterward, Erica is walking through the metropolis towards a tram stop where she spots Dr. Tom, reading a paper, waiting for her. He greets her by saying she's dorsum in the real world and Erica admits that the look on Ethan's face keeps running on echo in her head.

Dr. Tom reminds her that, technically, information technology never happened and Erica points to how he told her she'd alive regret free. He disagrees with this though, recalling he told her to live the day as she wanted and that nothing would stick, he adds that something has though.

Erica concurs, albeit she has no idea what to do about it. Dr. Tom tells her everything has a consequence and that:"Every action has a reaction." He says that she now has a choice of whether to do something almost her predicament or not.

He advises that, regardless of what road she chooses, there volition still exist consequences and she bemoans that there always are. A tram and then pulls up and Erica gets on it, leaving Dr. Tom at the stop. She narrates:

"Consequences. When nosotros enquire the question, 'Why can't I?' they're right in that location, staring us in the confront. The answers that we don't want to hear."

She sits down on a seat side by side to an open window and, as the tram drives away, calls out to Dr. Tom that next time she simply wants their regular scheduled therapy and no experiments. He smiles and walks off.

Erica heads for Goblins where she greets Kai and comments that it has been a while since they hung out. Confused, Kai tells her they never have and Erica, realising he doesn't recollect, agrees they probably oasis't.

Kai asks whether she has been fugitive him in the morning because he had blocked her efforts to become inside his head. Erica rejects this idea, and he admits that if she was willing to treat a poor barista to a fancy dinner that he'll tell her anything she wants to know.

Erica tells him she can't, and Kai asks what he has done. She assures him null, and begins to explicate how he refuses to talk about his therapy and Dr. Fred. Kai is shocked to discover that she knows his therapist'southward name and questions her how.

She replies that she just does and that she is at present refusing to brand her boyfriend's life a living hell. Kai wonders whether she is cool about Ethan telling her who she tin and tin can't exist friends with.

Erica says that it is her decision, although Kai doubts this. She insists that it is and he replies that he volition only run across her for her morning latte. Erica walks abroad, reflecting on what she has merely done.


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